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About Myasthenia Gravis and how Eye Magic can help

Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder. Neuromuscular disorders involve the muscles and the nerves that control them.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors


Myasthenia gravis is a type of autoimmune disorders. An autoimmune disorder occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. In people with myasthenia gravis, the body produces antibodies that block the muscle cells from receiving messages (neurotransmitters) from the nerve cell.

The exact cause of myasthenia gravis is unknown. In some cases, it may be associated with tumors of the thymus (an organ of the immune system).

Myasthenia gravis can affect people at any age. It is most common in young women and older men.



Myasthenia gravis causes weakness of the voluntary (skeletal) muscles. Voluntary muscles are those that are under your control. In other words, you think about moving your arm, and it moves. The muscle weakness of myasthenia gravis worsens with activity and improves with rest.

The muscle weakness can lead to a variety of symptoms, including:


  • Breathing difficulty because of weakness of the chest wall muscles
    Chewing or swallowing difficulty, causing frequent gagging, choking, or drooling
    Difficulty climbing stairs, lifting objects, or rising from a seated position
    Difficulty talking
    Drooping head
    Facial paralysis or weakness of the facial muscles
    Hoarseness or changing voice
    Double vision
    Difficulty maintaining steady gaze


There is no known cure for myasthenia gravis. However, treatment may allow you to have prolonged periods without any symptoms (remission).  Lifestyle changes often help you continue your daily activities. 

Eyelid drooping

Use Eye Magic for…


Droopy/sagging upper eyelids
Alternative to eyelid surgery
Special occasions & photos
Makeovers & makeup artists
Evening out with your beautiful eyes

Use Eye Magic for:
Droopy/sagging upper eyelids
Alternative to eyelid surgery
Special occasions & photos
Makeovers & makeup artists
Evening out, show off your eyelids

eye-magic-before-after 2

How Eye Magic Can Help

Although Eye Magic was not specifically designed for muscle or nerve dysfunction, some of our customers with Myasthenia gravis or Horner’s Disease have found success with the product.

Eye Magic has been developed to provide an alternative to eyelid blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

Eye Magic’s patented strips, counteract drooping eyelid skin by holding the skin in a natural position, restoring elasticity to the eyelid and lifting the eyelid droop.

What Our Customers Have Said

I have suffered with myasthenia gravis for over 17 yrs. I suffer from droopy eyelids. It is a struggle to keep my eyes open all day long which make me tired. I seen the TV ad, and just had to give it a try. The day I received it in the mail i rushed to put them on. I left for work minutes after putting them on and noticed that i could see further without straining my eyes.
Before using eye magic I would only drive looking a few feet in front of my car because I had to strain to see much further. With the eye magic on I could look 100’s of yards in front of me while drive.
I would say anyone who suffers from something like I have should give this a try. It’s not a cure, but it gave me some of my life back.
Wayne M.
Norristown, PA